Just wanted to verify: I don't work for, or endorse, any store or company I talk about in my blog posts. I don't get paid for writing, I just do it because I want to.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shoulder Patches

What: shoulder patches
Where: M&J, Pacific Trimmings, Joyce, B&Q, Trimart

Today I learned that finding shoulder patches in the kind of style in the picture at right (http://images.smh.com.au/) is not so easy.  For whatever reason, the patches either come without hanging chains at all, or they come with loose hanging chains as opposed to the ones that are looped and attached to the other side.  I had a feeling when I went out that it might be a hard thing to locate, but I had no idea that I would go back to the office completely unsuccessful.

I tried all over the place; I went to every trim store on 38th street between 7th and 8th, I went to M&J TrimmingJoyce Buttons and TrimsB&Q Trimming, and Pacific Trimmings just to name a few.  The only place I found something even close to slightly resembling the look the company was going for was at TrimArt, which is on 38th street and almost 8th.  They didn't have exactly what I was looking for by any means, but at least they had some form of patches with some form of chains hanging over the shoulder.  They were only $4 a piece so I bought three different ones and headed back to the office.

If you ask me, if you have your heart set on a shoulder patch like the one above, it would probably be easier to buy the chain and the patch separately and sew together a cute patch for your shirts or dresses.  Finding a cute one in the city is near impossible.

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